What is Our Make Experts saying about Perfect Website?
- Site Admin
Our Make Web Media Company is termed as highest ranking website Designing and Website Development Company in Pune and Mumbai. Let us find out what are the Our Make Expert sayings regarding Perfect Website Designing.
- A killer Headline –
Headline of your Website is the first thing that attracts your customers and forces them to stay on your website for long time. Headline of your website should be Small, Classy and Catchy.
- Introduction Page –
Landing Page or Introduction page should contain main theme behind creating your website. User should find every information regarding your company on this page in short. It contains Welcome Note, Latest news of your company, Office Timings, Testimonials of your clients etc.
- User Friendly Navigation –
There should be Minimum categories in Navigational bar, so that user can find required information easily. Generally as per standard website designing format there should be 5-6 main Modules i.e Home Page, about us, our services, Careers, Blogs and Contact us. If essential more categories can be added as sub modules in your website.
- Unique Quality content –
Information regarding your Product or Services should be small and Effective. User should understand vision and mission of your company quickly.
- High Readability –
Content of your websites should be properly aligned with appropriate font size i.e visible without any barriers. Your Website should not contain dark or vibrant colors that may distract your clients from main Purpose of your Company.
- Perfect Images –
It is very important that your Websites contains large and high quality images, which signifies your Product or specifies your product information. Images should be perfectly aligned so that your website doesn’t look messy.
- Responsive Design –
Now day, each one of us prefer mobile and tablets. People find easier to carry mobiles from one place to another. So It has become essential that your website should be fully responsive i.e your website should support all types of latest technologies like desktop, mobile, laptop, Tab etc. to increase sales of your Company.
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