Things that won’t happen in Good Website

Site Admin

Website has become as important tool for many business. Professional website should contain appropriate use of Color; Appearance should be attractive, fast loading pages, Minimal scroll. Mission and vision of your company should increase confidence and knowledge of visitors.

  1. Absence of Proper Content -

Your content is about well everything. Good Website contains regular updated content.

If there is Lack of Balance between Designs and content its chance that you are out of touch of your Audience.

  1. Poor Look and Feel of site

People are visual. Badly chosen website Backgrounds, Too small text, Poor Color selection, Improper Alignment creates distraction and taunt its appearance to visitors.

  1. Slow down of your website –

If site has no Up to date Technology it is hard to use or access which also slows down the speed. Your visitors stay less than two minutes. So it is necessary that your site should load quickly.

  1. Offering unnecessary Features -

Good websites are simple. Dealing with multiple features from single pages may cause unfriendly and can week site’s Architecture. That can also be frustrating to your clients.

  1. Distracting Design Elements –

Professional or Good websites does not contain Outdated or Boring fancy buttons or Fancy Tools, Too Blurred, soften, or too loud images and graphics. It may terminate main element of Distraction rather than conveying the message clearly.